The Interoperability of Ethereum and the Bitfinity EVM: Connecting Different Blockchains
When the Bitfinity EVM comes online, the IC will be cross-functional not only with the Ethereum blockchain but with all of the EVM-compatible chains that are out there in the cryptocurrency space.

EVM compatibility is a key feature implemented in many blockchains across the cryptocurrency space and allows for more growth driven by more users and, most importantly, more development.
New blockchains coming online would do well to implement EVM compatibility, as once it is online, the chain almost certainly stands to benefit.
Why then, has the IC not yet implemented the Bitfinity EVM, as it is such an easy win? In short, it is a difficult thing to implement in the case of the IC, and the solution needs to be bespoke in order to overcome the complexity of the problem.
While other blockchains can be built in simpler ways to allow for easy and quick EVM integration, the IC network comes loaded with features and capabilities that need to be tailored to the EVM in order to achieve functionality.
Perhaps the best example of this is the problem of block time, with the IC having a far faster block time (1 second to the EVM's 15). This difference in block time creates technical difficulties when it comes to implementing a compatibility solution. The speed of the IC network makes the integration more complex.
The Cross-Chain Advantages of the Bitfinity EVM Implementation
Once the technical difficulties of implementing the Bitfinity EVM have been overcome, the benefits in terms of cross-chain development and transactions will be immense.
The IC will then be fully interoperable with the Ethereum blockchain, and Solidity code used to create and deploy dApps on Ethereum will be usable on the IC network.
Wallets like Metamask, as well as development tools such as Truffle, Hardhat, and Remix will be usable in conjunction with the IC blockchain.
The Bitfinity EVM will make the IC blockchain a more welcoming place for blockchain developers that have a preference for developing on Ethereum. There are many such developers, and opening up the IC blockchain to large numbers of experienced developers is sure to encourage the growth of the IC network.

The Internet Computer is Built Differently
Once the Bitfinity EVM is online, the IC will enjoy much of the functionality that is in existence on the Ethereum blockchain. On the flip side, the IC will boast many features that will not be present on the Ethereum network.
Although the IC will be adopting a piece of technology from the Ethereum blockchain, the IC will have more features overall, with innovative features already existing on the IC blockchain, which the Bitfinity EVM will enhance.

The Future is Multi-Chain
When the Bitfinity EVM comes online, the IC will be cross-functional not only with the Ethereum blockchain but with all of the EVM-compatible chains that are out there in the cryptocurrency space.
This interoperability will allow for more swaps, more trades, more users, and more transactions. Increased interoperability means more growth all around.
In the cryptocurrency space, growth is key, and it is important for blockchains to see adoption from new users. The more interconnected the space is, the more this adoption is promoted.

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