How to Plug into InfinitySwap: Migrating to the Bitfinity Wallet Want to plug into InfinitySwap? Here's how to migrate from other wallets like Plug to the Bitfinity Wallet.
Why use the Bitfinity Wallet? The Bitfinity wallet is widely used and compatible with many Internet Computer (IC) applications. It is unlikely that a member of the IC ecosystem has yet to come across the wallet before. But why use the Bitfinity wallet?
Bitfinity Wallet: A Cut Above the Rest? It’s no secret that we’ve been promoting our own Bitfinity Wallet pretty hard as the launch of the InfinitySwap AMM approaches, but that’s not just to push our product over others. We’re trying to build something really special for the community.
Migrating Your Wallet to the Bitfinity Wallet The Bitfinity Wallet is live and is rapidly gaining support across many Internet Computer applications!
One for All and All for One: A Crypto Wallet for Any Chain We’re going to give you the freedom to support all of your favorite blockchains from one convenient wallet that supports tokens from multiple chains!
Getting started with the Bitfinity Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide Time to make the Bitfinity Wallet your wallet of choice!