How to Interact with NFTs and NFT Marketplaces via the Bitfinity Wallet This guide will help you set up and preview the Bitfinity wallet's core features and interact with NFTs and NFT marketplaces on ICP.
ICP Community Conference: Speaker Updates, New Twitter Account, & More Code & State are announcing exciting new speakers including Bob Bodily, Rick Porter, Jordan Last, & Dan Ostrovsky! Jesse Friedman (ICP Jesse) will take the stage as MC for the event!
Something Old & Something New Lead the Way in the NFT Market Welcome to the new NFT Weekly Update here on InfinitySwap, giving you the hottest NFT-related news in the space!
The Future of Crypto: How It Could Shape the Global Economy The traditional financial structures of the world should see a shift in how they do business. Services that were traditionally overseen by banks and governments, such as loans and mortgages, will become more easily accessible to people through DeFi platforms.
Leveraging the Bitfinity Network EVM to Establish a More Secure Digital Economy This article will explore how the recently introduced Bitfinity Network EVM will help to Establish a more secure digital economy.
The Future of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Did you know the EVM is not limited to Ethereum? InfinitySwap's future is all about bringing the Internet Computer's blockchain singularity to Bitcoin DeFi through its very own take on the EVM.