Bitfinity’s Blockchain Bash: Fourth Formation Forward

Explore the innovative union of Bitfinity with Iron Chain Bank, Demex, Nubit, and O3 Layer. Discover how these partnerships enhance Bitcoin's Layer 2 capabilities, ensure robust cross-chain swaps, and revolutionize blockchain scalability and security.

Bitfinity’s Blockchain Bash: Fourth Formation Forward

In this Blockchain Bash edition, we know already that strategic partnerships are not just beneficial; they are essential for survival and growth, especially in this interconnected world of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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From pioneering Layer 2 solutions with Iron Chain Bank to expanding cross-chain interoperability with Demex, and pushing the boundaries of scalability with Nubit and O3 Layer, Bitfinity's new partnerships are setting new standards for the new wave of Bitcoin protocols.

This article delves into each partnership, and explores how they contribute to the scalable, and secure ecosystem that Bitfinity is known to advocate for, promising a future where blockchain is not only more interconnected but also more accessible to a global audience.

Bitfinity and Iron Chain Bank 🤝

Iron Chain Bank is the first Lending & Borrowing BTC Layer 2 platform
A groundbreaking Bitcoin Layer 2 initiative known as BTC Nexus bringing stable and sustainable real yield for $BTC owners

As of now, Iron Chain Bank has fully launched its Launchpad and decentralized exchange. These platforms are operational and provide a foundation for its ecosystem. However, several features such as the bridge, staking, lending and borrowing, swap, and faucet are "coming soon" and are not yet deployed.

The Iron Chain Bank leverages ZK rollup technology to ensure faster transactions with lower gas fees. This technology is complemented by the BRC20 standard, which brings 'ERC20-like functionality' to Bitcoin, and enables cross-chain operations.

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Iron Chain is notably proud of its ability to maintain low gas fees, which are highly competitive compared to other blockchain networks. This focus on affordability ensures that transactions within the Iron Chain ecosystem are not only fast and secure but also cost-effective.

What is the Iron Vault Node?

The Iron Chain Bank, has an Iron Vault Node that acts as an exclusive pass, granting owners access to new features. By holding an Iron Vault node, users benefit from daily airdrops, token allocations, and early investment opportunities in upcoming projects.

Owning an Iron Vault node offers multiple advantages:

  • Airdrops and Rewards: Owners receive regular airdrops and unclaimed rewards.
  • Vault Node Management: Investors can manage their nodes and view their vaults directly on the platform.
  • Referral Program: A referral system rewards users for bringing in new participants.
Vault Nodes are not transferable. For simplicity and ease of management, we recommend using a single wallet to purchase your Vault Node.

How Can You Purchase a Vault Node?

Purchasing a Vault Node involves a few straightforward steps:

  • Selecting a Network: Users need to select the appropriate blockchain network.
  • Choosing a Currency: IRONChain Bank accepts ETH and WBTC for transactions.
  • Setting the Quantity: Determine how many Vault Nodes you wish to purchase.

What Is the Cost of a Vault Node?

The price per Vault Node is set at 0.037 ETH. This pricing is consistent regardless of the number of nodes you purchase, and the total payment will reflect the combined cost of all nodes at this rate.

Iron Chain Bank enhances its blockchain operations with advanced ZK-Rollup technology and adheres to the BRC-20 standard, as mentioned earlier. An integration that means transactions are still relying on Bitcoin's robust foundation and are secure.

Both Iron Chain Bank and Bitfinity Network users can look forward to enhanced functionalities and broader asset support, making operations within the Bitcoin Layer 2 space more user-friendly.

Connect and Learn More About Iron Chain Bank

Bitfinity and Demex 🤝 

Demex | The Only DEX You Need
Discover the power of Demex, the multi-chain decentralised exchange build on Cosmos where you can trade perpetuals, spot, lend and borrow digital assets, and earn APY through liquidity pools for both perpetual and spot markets.

Demex is a cross-chain platform designed to cater to all your decentralized exchange needs. It currently supports trading in spot, perpetuals, and futures markets, all on-chain. Additionally, it integrates a cross-chain money market.

The platform runs on the Carbon blockchain, specifically crafted for decentralized finance (DeFi) and trading applications. Carbon can handle up to 10,000 transactions per second (TPS) and employs the Tendermint consensus mechanism (Cosmos).

Tendermint BFT Consensus Algorithm · Cosmos Academy

This backbone ensures that Demex's trading engine remains fully decentralized and is resistant to maximal extractable value (MEV), while operating with fairness at its core.

Liquidity providers on Demex not only benefit from swap fees generated from the bid-ask spread but also earn a significant portion of all Carbon block rewards. This includes 25% of trading commissions, $SWTH inflation, and other rewards.

With this new collaboration, users of Demex will now have access to the cross-chain capabilities provided by Bitfinity. And with this partnership we try to enhance the trading experience by offering more flexibility and connectivity across different blockchains.

Connect and Learn More About Demex

Bitfinity and Nubit 🤝

Secured by Bitcoin, backed by Polychain. Enabling unlimited innovations with the most secure and scalable data availability layer.

Nubit is a pioneering tech firm that also integrates Bitcoin's economic security to create a secure and scalable data availability layer. The Nubit ecosystem is rich and encompasses numerous dApps and integrations which include:

  • AI and GameFi: Platforms like Game Plus integrate AI with blockchain gaming.
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  • BTC Layer 2 Solutions: Enhancements like Yona Network and ZKBase bolster Bitcoin's capabilities.
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  • DeFi: Projects like Yala Labs develop decentralized financial instruments.
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  • Rollups-as-a-Service: Offered by platforms like Lorenzo Protocol and Surge, facilitating efficient transaction processing.
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  • Infrastructure Services: Solutions like Succinct and Cycle Network provide essential backend services.

Nubit has successfully closed an $8 million seed funding round, led by Polychain Capital, with participation from notable investors including Nomad Capital, Spartan Group, L2IV, Big Brain Holdings, GCR, Protagonist, Gate Ventures, Animoca, and Mask Network.

How Does Nubit Support Layer 2 Frameworks?

Nubit extends its innovative data availability solutions to all major Layer 2 frameworks, including:

  • Arbitrum and Optimism: These are leading platforms that optimize Ethereum transactions.
  • Polygon CDK and Scroll: They provide developers with tools to build and scale dApps efficiently.
  • Starknet and zkSync: These frameworks leverage zero-knowledge proofs for privacy and scalability.
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Nubit DA aims to address the critical scalability and efficiency challenges faced by Bitcoin, particularly with the surging demand for Bitcoin inscriptions and layer-2 solutions. By implementing a data availability layer, it enhances the network's capability to validate and finalize transactions swiftly.

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The recent surge in demand for Bitcoin inscriptions, accumulating over 14GB of data on the Bitcoin blockchain, has highlighted significant cost implications. This scenario underscores the critical need for a data availability solution that is in line to the fundamental principles of Bitcoin.

The strategic partnership between Nubit and Bitfinity combines Nubit's scalable data layer with Bitfinity's cross-chain capabilities. Both are working together to empower developers and builders, unlocking unprecedented possibilities within the Bitcoin network.

Connect and Learn More About Nubit

Bitfinity and O3 Layer (Octopus Bridge) 🤝


O3 Layer, formerly known as Octopus bridge, also introduces the concept of a modular Layer 3 (L3) protocol on Bitcoin, leveraging Arbitrum’s Orbit Stack technology alongside Avail, which serves as the data availability (DA) layer.

A significant milestone in the development journey of O3Layer is the transition to the Layer-3 mainnet. This phase is set to improve user experience by boosting network scalability and performance.

As a collaborative effort with Layeredge, Arbitrum, and Avail, O3 Layer has developed a custom Bitcoin Layer 3 (L3) solution that introduces a new era of scalability, efficiency, and decentralized governance. The protocol plans to extend support to Solana, Matic, and Optimism, striving to become the premier bridge between Bitcoin and various other ecosystems.

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It represents Bitcoin's first and most sophisticated Layer 3 solution, built on Avail’s powerful Data Availability portfolio. Furthermore, O3 Layer expands Bitcoin's limited smart contract capabilities, allowing for the development of complex financial instruments and applications.

This last collaboration aims to develop advanced bridging technology on the Bitfinity EVM, connecting two blockchains and boosting Total Value Locked across these different networks.

By implementing O3 bridging technology on the Bitfinity EVM, the partnership is set to launch new standards in blockchain communication.

Connect and Learn More About 03 Layer


Bitfinity's adept orchestration of strategic partnerships with Iron Chain Bank, Demex, Nubit, and O3 Layer (Octopus Bridge) means not only a forward-thinking approach to enhancing the Bitcoin ecosystem, but a bigger and bigger network of collaborations that push cross-chain interoperability. What ultimately is the end goal.

With each partnership serving a unique role in fortifying the infrastructure of the Bitcoin blockchain:

  • Iron Chain Bank introduces Layer 2 solutions that optimize transaction efficiency and affordability, making Bitcoin's financial tools more accessible and sustainable.
  • Demex enriches the trading landscape with its high-throughput, decentralized exchange capabilities, ensuring fair and secure trading across multiple blockchains.
  • Nubit, through its integration of Bitcoin's economic security, enhances data availability, supporting the scalability and efficiency essential for Bitcoin’s expanding role in Web3 and beyond.
  • O3 Layer pioneers a Layer 3 framework that not only enhances Bitcoin's scalability but also introduces more sophisticated smart contract functionalities, bridging Bitcoin with diverse blockchain ecosystems.

Together, these partnerships solidify Bitfinity's commitment to creating a more interconnected, secure, and scalable blockchain network, promising a future where Bitcoin is not only a store of value but also a cornerstone of vast, decentralized applications.

From Niches to Norm: The Real Value Proposition of Bitcoin
This comprehensive guide explores the evolution of Bitcoin from its beginnings as a digital currency to its growing utility as a platform and store of value. Learn how technological advancements are expanding Bitcoin’s use cases and prominence globally.

For those interested in the specifics of these innovations, following the developments through Bitfinity's blog and the respective partner platforms is highly recommended.

Bitfinity Blog
Welcome to the Bitfinity Blog Homepage. Here, you can keep up to date with developments related to the next generation of DeFi and the wider crypto space.

To explore more about these dynamic partnerships and their impact on the Bitcoin ecosystem, connect with Bitfinity and its partners through their social media channels and websites. 🚀

Want to see where Blaze (our mascot) found his other partners and what they bring to the table? Take a look at our other 12 partners, in previous partnership articles here! 🦦👇🦦

Bitfinity’s Blockchain Bash: First Edition of Many!
Explore Bitfinity’s first four strategic partnerships to enhance interoperability, security, and scalability across blockchains. Learn how these collaborations leverage Bitfinity’s EVM compatibility to bring advanced smart contract capabilities to Bitcoin.
Bitfinity’s Blockchain Bash: Second Edition!
Explore the cutting-edge technologies shaping the Bitcoin ecosystem with APRO Oracle, BVM, Symmetric, and Rivo, all partnering with Bitfinity. Learn how decentralized oracles, innovative blockchain services, and dynamic DeFi platforms are redefining data solutions and smart contracts on Bitcoin.
Bitfinity’s Blockchain Bash: The Third Encounter!
Discover the latest collaborations between Bitfinity and Bitcoin-focused platforms such as IceCreamSwap, Uniquid, LayerEdge, and Sweep n’ Flip, enhancing DeFi on Bitcoin.

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